Saturday, October 2, 2010


So one wheel has come off with a little over 12 minutes to play.

We'll need more than A.J.

Bandwagon Wheels a Little Wobbly But Still Holding

Welcome back A.J. Green. 

The wheels could have easily come off after the first quater, but they haven't.  Defense looks better, as does the running game and offensive line (well, at least after we let A.J. touch the ball on the third drive). 

One-half to play with the Bandwagon trying to round the Rocky Mountain pass to head home in tact.

It all begins or ends now.  GO DAWGS!

View of the Rockies

Seth Emerson of the Bulldogs Blog posts some nice pictures from Boulder Bulldogs Blog, and gives a fine update on the Bulldogs travelling fan base.

Richt and company may not miss these kind of trips, but I sure will.  Not sure Charleston Southern will be quite the same.

Georgia Bandwagon Begins...

What is a bandwagon?
A quick web search reveals the following:
-“a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon";  
-“a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band”; "the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade"

So what does a bandwagon have to do with the Georgia football team, who find themselves at 1-3 and all alone in last place in the SEC?

Well, there certainly appear to be several trends taking place with the Dawgs both on and off the field the last few years, but I wouldn’t call any of them popular.
 And the “Mark Rich is on the hot seat” meme being ridiculously perpetrated by the outside media in the pre-season has now become a full-blown movement AJC.  Although, even this movement may not be as popular as you think

There’s no doubt the Dawgs have been painful to watch this year.   But those of us who thought a transition to a 3-4 defense with the current personnel would be seamless were deluding ourselves.  The play calling has been atrociously predictable, but in retrospect
, we’ve pretty much done what we said we were going to do in the preseason, run right at people.  And let’s not even discuss the offensive line.   
BUT, as I sit here drinking coffee on a beautiful Saturday morning, something tells me things are about to change.

Something tells me 
AJ YouTube, it’s time to get back on the Bulldogs bandwagon.

This bandwagon will certainly be  more "gaudy"  than "ornate"  as we attempt to lead the current "circus" that is Georgia football into any type of organized parade, but I still believe in Coach Richt.
Besides, who doesn't like a challenge
Care to join?